With time everything in the world is replaced. Natural rubber was commonly used before 1910 for a variety of needs. It was used in the tire manufacturing industry to every tool making industry. Being a natural resource, it started becoming scarce.
This is when scientists started looking for an alternative to replace this useful product. In 1910, German scientists developed polyvinyl chloride, commonly known as PVC. After its invention, it started replacing the use of rubber everywhere.
A few years later, plastisol was developed. Plastisol is made using PVC and a plasticizer. A plasticizer is a liquid additive which when added to plastic resins gives it more flexibility. Plastics get harder when cooled which limited its use. However, plastisol was more workable as it could be stretched, turned and easily molded.
Plastisol dip manufacturing is a huge industry today. It helps the country’s military force by providing easily moldable covers for the shock absorbers on aircrafts and helps the workman by providing insulated covering to his tools.
Today plastisol is also used while making roof and furniture coatings, textile ink and screen printing. Protecting surfaces, coating tools, creating waterproof sheets, making flexible lids and covers, shock absorbers for delicate objects and parts are all made easy with the use of plastisol.
A lot of printing on clothes today is printed using plastisol. It is soaked deep into the fibers of the cloth which are not easily lost from the fabric. The plastisol dip manufacturing has helped us in a lot of day to day activities.