Wednesday, 8 December 2021

A Dip To Strengthen The Life Of Plastics: Plastisol

Resume to the most comfortable generation of all times. But I think so not the same as today. Many nations were  poor and survivability was the only goal of life. Who would’ve thought the globalisation will bring opportunities for people in all sectors and people will move from small towns to cities and from developing countries to developed countries in search of jobs.

We are surrounded by luxury and convenience. A world like this was never ever imaginer in the history of man kind. We have developed the best of living materials for the advancement of mankind. One such substance which has helped and present in all generations is  plastic  is a miraculous material and is used since decades . There always has been mixed reaction of society when we talk about plastic uses as most of the population think that plastic is not good for planet. We also realise that plastic can be used again and again then it can save a lot of trees which are cut daily for paper bags and other paper materials. Plastisol is described as a suspension of PVC. 

It is derived basically from salt and ethylene. It is made thick or thin, rigid or pliable, and in practically any colour imaginable depending upon the requirements. They are substances added to materials to decrease their thickness. The more you add vinyl plastisol the more flexible the plastic becomes. A part is dipped in plastisol to form a layer. Vinyl plastisol dip coating plays significant roles in plastic manufacturing.

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